I decided to lose weight and start dieting not so long ago. The main problem is that I don't have a strategy and a plan of action. It's scary that it's complicated, difficult. I am not sure that I will be able to cope.
- The level of knowledge about nutrition is only general.
- I have tried to lose weight a couple of times, but I break down quickly, I can't lose more than 5kg.
- I've tried to lose weight a couple of times, but I break down quickly, I can't lose more than 5 kg.
- Confused in information about PP and diets, I do not know who to believe and what to do.
- There is no normal diet. In the diet a lot of convenience foods, sweets, flour.
- It is hard to control appetite, I constantly overeat for any reason.
- As a rule, expectations for the speed of weight loss are overestimated.
- I am attracted by slogans promising "fast", short-term strategies: diets "on paper", delivery of rations, marathons, etc.
I have lost weight many times myself, but I have never been able to keep the result. The main problem is that I can't pull myself together, I lack motivation. I start, but quickly break down and the weight comes back.
- I have been overweight for a number of years. I notice that every year it increases, but my health is deteriorating and it is already frightening.
- Good level of basic knowledge, I try to eat more or less correctly.
- I know how to count calories in the app, but I don't use it - it's not convenient.
- It's easy to control my appetite during the day, but in the evening I'm drawn to the fridge - it's hard to resist, I overeat.
- Every day I have something sweet or flour in my diet.
- I realise that I am overdoing it in terms of calories, but I can't force myself to go on a strict diet.
The figure on the scale is no higher than 75kg. I have been struggling with my weight all my life, but every year it becomes more and more difficult to keep it. The main problem is that I can't get rid of 5-7kg. Constant swings with weight and fear of getting fat.
- I know a lot about PP, I have tried everything.
- I can safely go without food for more than 6-8 hours.
- I know how to count calories in the app, but I don't plan my meals. I eat on the principle of the less the better.
- I am very careful about nutrition, but it exhausts me - I am always afraid to eat something extra.
- Tension and stress in my relationship with food. There can be signs of deficiencies - deterioration of skin, teeth, hair, etc.
No weight problem. No fear of gaining weight. I can remove extra kilos quickly if they stick to me.
- Stable and comfortable keeping my body in shape.
- I have an excellent understanding of PP.
- I make my balanced diet "by eye", without calculating the calorie intake
- I calmly manage my appetite without overeating and breakdowns.
- I practically do not eat sweets and flour, I have no cravings.
- Calm, conscious attitude to food.
- Healthy eating skills are embedded at the level of daily habits.
- It is easy to maintain order in nutrition and my weight in any lifestyle.